Garbage Everywhere During 2023

By Brandon Christenson

In the year of 2023, people slowly started to care less about not littering. It was still against the law to litter but people kept doing it. Nobody cared, except very few people. The schools went on field-trips to pick up trash. But even the KIDS littered! Kids also went to the Outdoor Education Center and when they heard that they couldn’t go anymore if they didn’t help the world, they went crazy! Not all the kids littered though. The kids that littered the most were Anderson, Cameron, Roman, Cory, Alex and Spencer. Brandon was one of the only kids who didn’t litter besides Connor and Nevan! The world had become a disaster! The animals and plants kept dying and almost EVERY animal was endangered. Although there were barely any dangerous animals, like bears, the new danger was the toxins that came from the toxic garbage!

Everybody was tired of it! This was time for the people to STOP littering. People were sent all around the world to pick up EVERY SINGLE TINY PIECE OF TRASH! EVERY SINGLE SPECK OF IT! Of course this took a long time.

At schools, when the kids decided they have to do something, they all wanted to go to the OEC to pick up trash. A lot of schools were studying wetlands and things like that and they decided to pick up EVERY SINGLE TINY PIECE OF TRASH! EVERY SINGLE SPECK OF IT! After they were done cleaning the OEC, they actually DIDN’T want to go back to the OEC for a while! They were all really tired from that fieldtrip! But the kids who still littered bought a whole bunch candy and threw all of the garbage away!

Meanwhile, there were still groups of people going around the world to clean, there was litter all over but it was getting better. People put “NO LITTERING” signs all over the place. Brandon, Connor and Nevan chased all bad littering people but it wasn’t so easy! Get over here, “said Brandon. The three friends caught them. Some of those bad people were pretty strong and most of them ran away. Connor called the police and they came to clean up the garbage and catch the criminals. The cops caught Cory, Alex and Roman. They did some talking and Alex and Roman stopped littering but Cory wouldn’t. Cory tapped Brandon’s arm and said, “Tag! You’re it!” Then he ran away.

“What happened to Alex and Roman?” said Cameron. “They want to help the world now” Said Cory. “Great! They’re probably after us now!” said Cameron. “We decided not litter.” said Anderson and Spencer as they grabbed Cameron and Cory on the back of their shirts. They dragged them over to Brandon, Connor and all the other people. It took a while but Cameron and Cory decided to stop littering!

As people slowly stopped littering and slowly started HELPING the world more animals were coming to life! The garbage was gone, the world smelled good again. Plants were growing everywhere!


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